
1. Why choose ITS?

2. Where are we?

3. How big is the company?

4. What is our track record?

5. Do we conduct courses for individuals?

6. What does it cost?

7. Why are our client lists not on our web page?


Why choose ITS?

All our consultants have extensive hands on experience in their chosen fields. They are practitioners first and trainers second. We regularly assess their skill levels to ensure that your trainer is the most suitable for your needs.


Where are we?

We have consultants in many financial centres with our administration function based inAsia. All our consultants travel extensively so your location is not critical. We will come to you.


How big is the company?

We currently have 31 consultantswith specialties across all the disciplines of Finance, Financial Markets, Risk Management and Staff Development .


Our expertise spans your entire business from Senior Management through Transaction Analysis and finally Operations. Our consultants are supported by four administrative executives based in Singapore, Sydney and Kuala Lumpur.


What is our track record?

Formed in 1997, our bookings have grown at an average annual rate of 37% year on year. Our end of course feedback score is an average of 4.1 from a possible score of 5.0.


The majority of our business is by referral or reputation so we do not need to conduct extensive active marketing activities. As a matter of policy, our client list is confidential.


Do we conduct courses for individuals?

Generally not. We can recommend teach yourself software or reading material but we do not conduct public or open enrolment courses. However, we are engaged by other training companies who do conduct such courses so please contact us and we will give you their contact enrolment details.


What does it cost?

For consulting assignments, we scope the project for no cost. Our quotation is based on an hourly rate for the assignment and we will invoice you weekly based on our time sheets.


For training assignments, we will negotiate a fee based on the size of the audience, the level of the training and the degree of customization we have to make.


Why are our client lists not on our web page?

In this industry, client names are often confidential. We are bound by those agreements not to disclose our client list so be wary of competitors who publish their list!.

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